Romney works Sun City crowd
By: Jim Faber
Hilton Head Island Packet
Friday, Mar 30, 2007
"Speaking to a crowd of more than 400 people at Sun City Hilton Head, former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney pushed a conservative message that included governmental fiscal responsibility, securing the border with Mexico and the rights of states to enact pro-life legislation."
"During his speech, Romney spoke of his successes in the fast-moving business world, including duties as CEO of investment firm Bain & Co. He contrasted that experience with the plodding pace of government change.
"'In the world of goods and services that we buy day-in and day-out, unless you get better every year, you're out of business,' Romney said.
"Romney received his first spontaneous applause during his hour-long talk when he said the country's immigration policy was in trouble and the border needed to be secured.
"'Illegal immigration can be a huge burden on our society, but legal immigration is a great boon,' Romney said.
"To control immigration, Romney said he would physically secure the border and create a national system of ID cards to track the work status of immigrants."
"Romney also pushed himself as a uniting figure, pointing to health care and state budget reform when he was a governor in Massachusetts and faced an overwhelmingly Democratic state legislature."
"'I think he was very impressive,' said Charles MacDonald, a Sun City resident who was shooting pictures for the Sun City Republican Club. 'He answered questions forthrightly. He didn't evade anything, as far as I'm concerned.'"